Articles For Agents

10 Reasons to Attend This FREE Peak Performance Workshop on March 20
There are only so many hours in a day, so you have to be careful about how you spend your time. Before you commit to a career-building event, you want to make sure you’re going to get a lot out of it. You only want to go to the best events possible. Here are 10...

New Medicare App
Determining coverage has never been easier. CMS recently released an app that provides coverage information on Medicare. With the What’s Covered app, anyone can search for a service or item and see whether it’s covered under Medicare Part A or Medicare Part B. How Can...

Time Management Tips for Insurance Agents
It’s good to have goals. It’s even better to achieve those goals. If you’re regularly falling short of what you want to accomplish, it’s time to find new strategies to help you manage your day and be more productive. Wake Up Early. “The sun has not caught me in bed in...

Agents: Do You Know the Dos and Don’ts of OEP?
The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period is over, and many agents are probably still recovering from the hectic time. Before you get too relaxed, however, remember that a new Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period is just around the corner. Make sure you know what you...

How to Plan a Successful Medicare Insurance Seminar
Seniors depend on Medicare for the health care needs, but many are confused by it. According to a survey conducted by Better Medicare Alliance, 65 percent of seniors enrolled in Original Medicare report being unfamiliar with Medicare Advantage. Among seniors not...

How to Use Facebook to Increase Your Medicare Insurance Marketing Reach
(Nearly) everyone is on Facebook. According to Pew Research Center , 68 percent of U.S. adults use Facebook. OK, that's not exactly everyone, but it is the majority of Americans. If you want to connect to people, Facebook is an effective way of doing so. For agents...

Medicare Marketing 2019 Guidelines for Agents
The new Medicare marketing guidelines for 2019 are here. CMS has updated their guidelines, and all agents need to know what’s allowed and what it isn’t. You can read the Medicare Communications and Marketing Guidelines in its entirety online, but you’ll find...

Have You Heard About the New Enrollment Period?
Agents: Have you heard about the new open enrollment period? The Medicare Advantage open enrollment period will begin on January 1, 2019. This big change is sure to raise a lot of questions, so we’ve put together the answers you’ll need to know. Is the regular open...

AEP Prep Starts Now
Want to have a great annual election period this year? If you do – and of course you do – the secret is to start now. Yes, it’s early, but that’s the point. Once AEP starts, you’ll be too busy to get a handle on things if you haven’t already prepared. Here’s a...

Medicare Low-Income Subsidies: Who Qualifies?
Many Americans struggle with the high cost of health care, but there is hope. Low-income subsidies can provide relief to eligible individuals. For Medicare beneficiaries, financial assistance options include Extra Help, Medicare Savings Programs and Medicaid....

Should You Refer Your Medicare Clients to A Diabetes Assistance Program?
Do your clients have trouble paying for important diabetes treatments? If so, they’re not alone, and help is available in the form of assistance programs. Diabetes is extremely common in the United States. According to the CDC, 9.4 percent of the U.S. population has...

10 Ways to Write Your Way to More Medicare Insurance Sales
Earlier this week we gave you some tips for keeping in touch with clients throughout the year. After all, you’re in the business of earning trust and building relationships, and that process takes time. How you communicate with prospects is just as important....

Three Ways to Use Direct Mail for Medicare Marketing
Direct mail remains an effective tool for Medicare marketing. While a growing number of seniors – 66 percent in 2018, according to the Pew Research Center – use the internet, this still leaves a significant percentage of seniors who don’t regularly go online. Direct...

Medicare Scams – Share This with Clients!
What you don’t know CAN hurt you – especially if scammers are using it against you. CMS is sending out new Medicare cards. Some beneficiaries don’t know this, however, and many others are only vaguely aware of the process. Con artists are taking advantage of this to...

Agents: Is Your Business Card Ready for Business?
People don’t like to be rushed into decisions. They want to have time to think. Unfortunately, this can also give them time to forget. A business card is the solution. By handing out your business card, you’re providing prospective clients with an easy way of getting...

Programs for Low-Income Medicare Clients
Help is available for low-income Medicare beneficiaries. Many people don’t know their options, however, and may miss out on the financial aid they need and deserve as a result. Agents need to help spread the word. Why Should Agents Pay Attention? Many Medicare...

How Improving Your Communication Skills Can Improve Your Business Results
As humans, we are social creatures. Much of what we do involves communication: the better we communicate, the more we can achieve. As an insurance agent, your communication skills are closely tied to your business results. If you want to make more sales and advance...

New Medicare Cards Will Improve Personal Security
Medicare beneficiaries face a conundrum. They’ve been told they need to keep their personal information secure from identity thieves. Because wallets can be lost or stolen, this means not carrying their Social Security card in their wallet. But their Medicare card...

Marketing Medicare to Seniors Turning 65
Every day, 10,000 people celebrate their 65th birthday in the United States. That’s a huge number of people aging into Medicare each and every day – and a huge opportunity for insurance agents. Use these tips to tap into the T65 market. Get referrals. If you already...

Insurance Agents: Learn How to Make Goals That Stick
New year, new you – or so we like to imagine. The truth is that we do not become new people when a new year starts. The beginning of a new year is the traditional time to create resolutions and attempt to change things for the better, but many of these resolutions...