by PTT Financial | May 11, 2018 | Agents, Articles for Agents
Earlier this week we gave you some tips for keeping in touch with clients throughout the year. After all, you’re in the business of earning trust and building relationships, and that process takes time. How you communicate with prospects is just as important....
by PTT Financial | May 8, 2018 | Agents, Articles for Agents
Direct mail remains an effective tool for Medicare marketing. While a growing number of seniors – 66 percent in 2018, according to the Pew Research Center – use the internet, this still leaves a significant percentage of seniors who don’t regularly go online. Direct...
by PTT Financial | Apr 18, 2018 | Agents, Articles for Agents
What you don’t know CAN hurt you – especially if scammers are using it against you. CMS is sending out new Medicare cards. Some beneficiaries don’t know this, however, and many others are only vaguely aware of the process. Con artists are taking advantage of this to...
by PTT Financial | Mar 7, 2018 | Agents, Articles for Agents
People don’t like to be rushed into decisions. They want to have time to think. Unfortunately, this can also give them time to forget. A business card is the solution. By handing out your business card, you’re providing prospective clients with an easy way of getting...
by PTT Financial | Feb 28, 2018 | Agents, Articles for Agents
Help is available for low-income Medicare beneficiaries. Many people don’t know their options, however, and may miss out on the financial aid they need and deserve as a result. Agents need to help spread the word. Why Should Agents Pay Attention? Many Medicare...
by PTT Financial | Feb 7, 2018 | Agents, Articles for Agents
As humans, we are social creatures. Much of what we do involves communication: the better we communicate, the more we can achieve. As an insurance agent, your communication skills are closely tied to your business results. If you want to make more sales and advance...