Medicare Supplement Underwriting: Help Your Clients Navigate the Process
If your clients no longer have guaranteed issue rights, they will most likely need to undergo medical underwriting to change Medigap plans. You can help make the underwriting process easier to navigate by educating yourself on each carrier’s underwriting guidelines...
How New CMS Marketing Rules Will Impact Agents for Fall AEP
CMS has updated its marketing rules and regulations for Medicare Advantage and Part D. The 2024 Final Rule (issued on April, 5, 2023) focuses on reducing deceptive practices in response to thousands of consumer complaints. The following rule changes go into effect on...
Your D-SNP Clients May Be at Risk of Losing Coverage
Approximately 12.5 million people are dual eligible: enrolled in both Medicaid and Medicare. Some of these dual-eligible beneficiaries are at risk of losing their Medicaid coverage, meaning they will no longer qualify for their D-SNP plan. If you have D-SNP clients,...
10 Spring To-Dos for Medicare Agents
Why does a traditional spring cleaning make us feel so good? We make our to-do lists with the goal of refreshing, decluttering, and reorganizing the space around us. And when we’re done, the sense of accomplishment makes us feel more energized and productive, more...